To buy uniform from school please go to our on-line shop to order and pay for items of uniform. You will then be able to collect the items from the school office.
We also have good quality donated uniform items in various sizes. There is no charge for any of these items - just ask at the school office. All we ask is that parents continue to donate uniform that is no longer needed.
At Sparkenhoe, uniform plays an important part in the ethos of our school. To reflect this, all children should wear our school colours of maroon, white, grey and black.
Children should wear a maroon sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece with a white shirt or polo shirt. We do not expect children to wear tops with the school logo but if you do want these, they are available in the school shop. All other items of our school uniform are unbranded.
Children should not wear red, grey or black sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans.
Trousers, shorts, skirts and pinafores should be grey or black. Headscarves should be white, maroon or black and must be shoulder length with no pins and should be one piece. Topis should also be black, white or maroon.
Girls can wear a maroon summer dress and all children are expected to wear sensible, plain, dark footwear to school. These must not have logos, stripes or coloured laces. Any other items such as: socks, tights, leggings, headbands, etc. must be in school colours.

All items (including maroon jumpers, cardigans and sweatshirts) are available to buy at reasonable prices in local stores and online. We also sell the following items in school:
Maroon Sweatshirt
Maroon Cardigan
Maroon Fleece
Book Bag
PE bag
Navy PE joggers
Navy T-shirt
Navy sweatshirt
One piece headscarves
All children must change for PE. School PE kit is:
Navy Blue tracksuit bottoms or shorts without logos
Navy Blue round neck t-shirt or polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt or tracksuit top without logos
Plimsolls or trainers
If headscarves are worn they should be blue shoulder length one piece
For PE lessons, all jewellery must be removed.